How It Works

2. Check your email for a GPS Activation email (check your junk mail folder)
3. Activate your GPS account by clicking the “Activate my Account” button
4. Login to your GPS web account and note your GPS US mailing Address
5. Shop your favorite online stores or give your supplier, family and friends your unique US GPS Address we provided
6. Use the provided GPS US Address as your shipping address when making your online purchases
7. Login to your GPS account and Pre-Alert your packages for ease processing.
8. Once your packages are received at your GPS US address it will be prepared and shipped to your home country.
9. Once shipped to Jamaica, GPS will use our custom broker to present your packages to Customs and advance pay for them for you to complete the Customs Clearance Process.
10. GPS will notify you when your packages are available for pickup via email or deliver them to your home or offices if this additional services was requested when the package was being pre-alerted.